Social Responsibility

Based on the concept of "take it from the society, and use it for the society", Jingcheng Technology has continued to develop its operations. In addition to improving internal welfare and taking care of employees, it is also enthusiastic about public welfare externally. , local governments and other units, civil welfare disadvantaged groups, and groups such as billiards and bicycles provide monetary or material donations, hoping to attract more companies to participate, and make the society full of peace and love.
The company provides donations to fire bureau and police of governments, communities and related sports teams, with a total of 132 people helped.

Donations to fire bureau of government

Zhunan Volunteering Donated and Purchased Radios

Fire Department Certificate of Appreciation

Fire Department Certificate of Appreciation

Fire Department Certificate of Appreciation

Fire Department Certificate of Appreciation

Donations to police bureau of government

Zhunan Police Station donated 2 air conditioners

Zhunan Police Station donated 4 air conditioners

Zhunan Police Station donated a batch of criminal investigation equipment

Donations to local government

Dapu Mid-Autumn Festival Gala

Donations to school

Certificate of Appreciation from Renai Junior High School in Nantou County

Donations to public welfare sector

Kindergarten Certificate of Appreciation

Donations to Cycling Teams

Donation to Table Tennis

Donation to Basketball Teams

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